Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Five advertisements

Online ad
I think this advertisement from has optical equilibrium between the image of Anderson Cooper and the text that accompanies it. By grouping the different text elements-- playing with font size and highlighting Anderson's name-- the simple message offering basic information becomes exciting, but orderly. The position of the CNN logo in the bottom left is significantly placed on Anderson's body as almost a stamp of approval or authority over their employee, but also creates balance and contrast in the ad. The white and illuminated nature of the grouped text also presents contrast to the blue toned background.

Bus stop ad

This ad was found in a bus stop on sixth avenue, but interestingly enough I found it staring back at me when I returned home, placed on the back of a magazine. I think it's interesting that I took a picture of this ad, not realizing that I had been seeing it all week on my kitchen table. Funny how ads can subconciously stay with you!

This D&G ad is a radiation structure, as the repetitiveness of fleshy models circulates the D&G name. While "D&G" is the center point here, the model's stares are distracting from it and the position of the perfume bottles on the bottom create a goal in getting to know what they are--individualistic, like the models representing them.

Foreign billboard ad

This is a a billboard ad from the Netherlands. It has a concentric structure, as the "hidden hand" is grasping for the Heineken. The seemingly raised pressure points of fingers contrasts against the clean green background surrounding the beer bottle. The white space of the majority of the ad allows for better acknowledgement of the implied hand and the center point, Heineken.

Print ad

This ad was taken from a magazine. I removed it a bit overzealously, so I think I should mention that the ripped edges on the left are not a part of the advertisement. I say this because I definitely think this affect alters it! It almost adds an extra bit of edginess to the advertisement by making it unbalanced, but that was not intended, so please disregard it.
This ad moves from north to south. One cannot help but notice an unusual and large pink bouffant. Moving south, the most enlarged image on the page, held by the woman and underlined by the bold text, is the bottle--which incidentally is a free sample. I am unsure of this ad's structure, but I am assuming it is concrete because there is a horizontal and vertical pattern of images.

Online ad

This advertisement was taken from and has a concrete structure. The optical equilibrium of the woman with the Ralph Lauren name is horizontal and creates a balance, while alluding to asymmetry. She is the figure, while the Ralph Lauren text is the ground. The reader participates by filling in the letters to the name, but also by taking notice of the woman's beauty, beginning the direction of the ad from east to west, displaying her clothes as well.

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